Telekom Electronic Beats

Discogs And Qrates Discuss Collaborative Vinyl Repress Service

The online discography platform and the vinyl crowdfunding service are making plans to collaborate on repress project.

A few months ago, we reported that Qrates was teaming up with fellow start up to facilitate streamlined vinyl-pressing services from Soundcloud. Qrates purports to ease the process of vinyl pressing for smaller labels that often make only marginal profits (at best) on limited-run record pressings through a sophisticated crowdfunding service. In further big partnership news, Qrates has announced that Discogs could also serve as another potential platform for getting vinyl into the hands of those who want it.

According to the Qrates website, vinyl on demand is as easy as 1,2,3:

  1. Search the Discogs database and select the release you would like to repress.
  2. Launch a pre-order or crowdfunding project with QRATES, automatically notify users that have this in their wantlist in the Discogs community and start taking orders.
  3. After we press your records, we can ship them to you or directly to the customers and physical retailers who have pre-ordered copies.

Read more about the Vinylize and Qrates project here. Or, you could always just try and cut your own records at home.
