Telekom Electronic Beats

A Library Of 3D-Printable Electronic Instruments

Print your gear obsession into physical reality.

Love music gear? Of course you do, but that stuff costs money, honey. Fortunately there’s a DIY solution that doesn’t involve being an electronics wizard; though it does take a costly 3D printer to make it happen. Thingiverse’s glitchpudding has put together a database of printable *in Hank Hill voice* “gear and gear accessories” for the tech-loving fool in all of us. It has everything from synthesizer racks and oscillator knobs to MIDI controllers that operate via fire—possibly the most metal controllers of all time. If you have access to a 3D printer and some free time, a wealth of gear can be at your fingertips in however long they take to print out. Have fun!

If you still can’t be bothered to buy gear, here’s a whole bunch of browser production tools too!
