Telekom Electronic Beats

Google's Artificial Intelligence Can Jam On A Digital Synth


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Following the roaring success of its AI psychedelic art generator and the algorithmically-determined “hit musical” Beyond The Fenceand equipped with the hubris to prove that abstract human reasoning actually isn’t that awesome, Google has now been working on making artificial intelligence jam and generate its unique musical scores. They showcased this new research recently at this year’s Moogfest, of which you can see a little snippet above.

The project is titled Magenta. The AI absorbs and learns from particular types of media, and once it’s trained, “the network can be ‘seeded’ with a few notes, and then let loose its creativity to turn those notes into a full piece of music.” Through this process, according to Engadget, “the output can generally be tweaked with variables that define how complex its calculations should be, and how ‘creative’ or ‘safe’ its output.”

If you’re using a Google browser, you can make music right here.
