This Beastly 8-Voice Analog Synth Costs Over €19,000!
The only compromise with this synth is the damage to your bank account.
If you belong to that rare breed of absolute synthesis connoisseur who happens to have a spare €20,000 lying around the house, then your dream synth has just landed. Still a synth freak but lacking the necessary funds? Well, like us, the best you can do is dreamily stare at the mind-blowingly lush Schmidt eight-voice Analog Synthesizer.
Originally debuted in 2011, the Schmidt has been pitched as the ultimate, no-comprises polyphonic analog synthesizer with the capability to produce timbres unlike any previous synth. Despite its hefty price-tag, and being possibly the most expensive eight-voice synthesizer the world had seen, two previous batches have sold out. Now, the Schmidt returns for one final edition that’s sure to send any remaining cashed-up audiophiles mad. As described by the producer, “Schmidt is the dream come true of an engineer dedicated to sound. A synthesizer, conceived and perfected in close collaboration with musicians and music producers, brought to life in the most uncompromising way imaginable.”
Sound good? Well you better start looking for spare coins stuck in the sofa now. Head to the Schmidt website to find out more. Scroll on to hear some demo tracks of what the synth can do.
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