Telekom Electronic Beats

Listen To Nicolas Jaar's Super Chill 38-Track Holiday Playlist

This vibey experimental compilation includes Jaar’s favorite cuts from Nick Drake, Ryoji Ikeda, Actress and more.

Nicolas Jaar is known to have a penchant for the eclectic and experimental. And now, the artist has gifted us with a glimpse into his own musical mind with a 38-track playlist of his personal favorite songs.

The selections range from the saccharine acoustic stylings of Nick Drake to the gritty noise-indebted post-punk of L.A. group Dirty Beaches. Of course, it also includes some original compositions from the producer himself. Take a listen to the full playlist on Spotify here. Below, watch EB.TV’s exclusive interview with the artist and footage from his live performance in Budapest.


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Read more: Hear a rare alternative version of Nicolas Jaar’s last album
