Listen To Almost 6 Hours Of Obscure Disco Gems From Rush Hour Boss Antal

The Rush Hour head honcho steps up for a blistering appearance at the Altered Soul Experiment party in Berlin.
Looking for some exceptional mid-week listening? How about spending the day exploring a musical gold mine of dazzling disco and boogie gems thanks to Rush Hour boss Antal?
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Few DJs in the game are more equipped to traverse the warm, ecstatic sounds of fusion, disco and house from across the world as the Rush Hour head honcho. Headlining Berlin’s Altered Soul Experiment party at OHM this past weekend, June 2, Antal’s insane record collection was on full display. He spun for almost six hours until 8 AM the next day.
Thankfully for all those who weren’t lucky enough to be there in the flesh, Antal’s set has just been uploaded to SoundCloud. You can listen to it in its full five-and-a-half hour glory above. Happy digging!
Read more: This is an interactive guide to the world’s best record stores