This Video On Lets You Take A Drive With German Techno Mainstay Monika Kruse

Take a drive with the renowned DJ.
Our In The Car video series on YouTube lets you get up and personal with some of our favorite DJs. Following recent episodes with Len Faki and Dana Ruh, our latest edition features Monika Kruse.
In this episode the techno DJ who helped define the sound of ’90s Munich breaks down her views on everything from over-complicated DJ setups to meditation and music therapy. A firm believer in balance, Kruse explains how her time outside of the club scene has benefitted her career and how she tackles the topics DJs aren’t supposed to talk about.
Check out the video above, and for more great features like this, be sure to check out our YouTube channel. We drop new videos every Tuesday! For more videos from our In The Car With series, scroll on to watch a playlist of past episodes featuring Ben Klock, Marcel Dettmann, Len Faki and more.
Watch more: Techno heavyweight Terrence Fixmer gets in the car with EB.TV