10 x 4 – Bam Spacey
Sweden has a whole load of amazing artists making waves right now, and under the moniker of Bam Spacey, Malmö-based Magnus Johansson is about to drop his debut EP Land on May 22nd through Ceremony Recordings. Bam Spacey is delivering some advanced ambient minimal techno, stuffed with a lot of soul. That’s why decided to play 10 x 4 with him.
1. If you were still in high school, which clique would you belong to?
I’d be an outsider, stuck right between the cool kids and the nerds. I’m not cool enough to be with the cool kids and not quite nerdy enough to hang with the nerds. In my mind though, the nerds would take pity on me.
2. What goes in your coffee?
Milk, please.
3. An album that changed the way you thought?
Easily Neutral Milk Hotel‘s In the Aeroplane Over the Sea. Might be a boring answer but it just blew my mind on so many levels. There is this complete rawness and beauty that just oozes from that record. I still remember the feeling of hearing Jeff Mangum’s lyrics for the first time, and they were so different from anything I’d ever heard before. I still draw on that feeling for inspiration when I write lyrics now.
4. Should music be free?
In an ideal world, everything would of course be free. As long as making music can be considered a job though, it has to have some monetary compensation, per definition. And why not? But it’s a crazy complex question, and there is no right answer. I mean, nowadays music is so easy to find and listen to for practically nothing, and that’s a good thing. But I still buy records I like and have no problem with that.
5. What defines your music-making process?
Well, I usually put a lot of time into writing the words for my songs, although they might sound simple enough when listening. I really weigh in the meaning of every word. It can get really frustrating at times. That’s why I usually don’t have a lot of lyrics in a track, I tend to repeat them instead. Otherwise I’d finish like one track a year.
6. Name three essential artists.
Radiohead, Pet Shop Boys and Kraftwerk. I’m pretty predictable but that’s music I wouldn’t want to be without.
7. Your current favorite song?
Mathew Jonsons ‘Girls Got Rhythm’ from Agents of Time (2010). Kinda slept on that one.
8. Do you believe in the paranormal?
No, but I’m still scared of ghosts. It’s a rational/emotional kind of thing.
9. One thing you can’t live without?
A comfortable bed. A good night’s sleep is one of the best things in the world. Waking up with a clear head does wonders for your inspiration.
10. Together, or alone?
Depends. I do a lot of stuff on my own, especially when creating music. I might bring someone in when I need something done, like additional vocals, but other than that, I’d rather be alone. For playing live though, I’d rather have someone at my side, backing me up. For me, that’s just a more enjoyable experience.
Published May 08, 2012.