10 x 4 – Chants
Wisconsin winters can be brutal. They’ve certainly infected Jordan Cohen’s music-making process. Under the name Chants, the Madison native crafts succulent beats that echo with howling winds, glittering chimes and the cold-blue feeling that only ice can give. His latest release, the Night After EP, is a tantalizing glimpse of what he has in store for his 2013 LP. Let’s see what else is inside this young man besides beautifully cold audio:
1. Your most memorable show?
The hometown record release show that went down a couple weeks ago. We did it at a friend’s house, so it was nice to be able to have control over the sound and the vibe. Lots of sweat and love.
2. What goes in your coffee?
Nothing except more coffee.
3. An album that changed the way you thought?
The first Telefon Tel Aviv record. Slow melodies, hard beats, incredibly detailed and textured, and really beautiful.
4. What does underground and mainstream mean to you?
A lot less than they used to. I love how the boundaries have been blurred and erased, it’s one of my favorite things about the future.
5. Better show: Buffy or X-Files?
X-Files was my jam. The ‘monster of the week’ ones were always the best. Damn, now I want to watch some X-Files.
6. What defines your music-making process?
Listening. Intuition. Texture. Trial & error. Adding, subtracting, deciding.
7. What do you think of this song:
Mr. Bungle is pretty ill, I liked California back in the day. And Mike Patton rolls with Dub Trio sometimes, who I love and who have one of the best drummers out there. But the whole genre jump-cut thing hasn’t aged especially well, I’d rather hear music that commits to one thing and has a distinctive voice instead of doing everything. I loved shit like this in high school though.
8. Indispensable outfit?
Anything with epaulets.
9. Raging or chilling out?
Chilling out forever and always.
10. Together, or alone?
Alone. I’m an only child and grew up with a lot of time to myself, mostly reading books and playing video games. Not a big jump to sitting at a computer for hours trying to create something I guess.
Published May 31, 2012.