Counting With Jackmaster
Glaswegian Numbers label and clubnight founder Jackmaster has a rep for surprising and raucous selections in his DJ sets. But did you know about his past as an Oasis obsessive and repentant dubstep hater? Here’s Jack out the box.
1 memorable line in a song:
“Ass/Titties/Ass ‘n’ Titties/Ass, Ass, Titties Titties, Ass ‘n’ Titties” – DJ Assault, “Ass ‘n’ Titties”
2 decisions I regret:
- Taking up smoking weed as a kid.
- Selling some of my record collection on Discogs.
3 sets of people that should collaborate:
- Dizzee and Wiley need to be reunited and take us back to the Sidewinder era—with Slimzee on the decks, obviously.
- Noel and Liam Gallagher. I was a huge Oasis fan as a kid. Not sorry if that’s uncool.
- Scotland vs. England. It wouldn’t exactly be a collaboration, but rather the fiercest international footballing rivalry in the world.
4 things I haven’t done yet:
- Played a whole set sober.
- Kept a plant alive for more than six months.
- Adopted a dog (probably for the best, given the plant thing).
- Learned to play piano.
5 things I used to believe:
- That dubstep was shit.
- That I was a sick goalkeeper. At school they nicknamed me The Brick Wall because I was a beast, basically. Reflexes of a cat. Now I’m just a plain liability.
- That hard work alone could get you where you want to be.
- That being backstage or in the VIP section of a party is cool.
- That drugs were bad.
6 hours ago…
I was playing football in the sweltering heat of Barcelona for Ben Pearce’s charity football event at Sonar.
7 albums everyone should own:
- Daft Punk – Homework
- Prince – Dirty Mind
- Drexciya – The Quest
- Beverly Hills Cop OST
- Ricardo Villalobos – Alcachofa
- Rustie – Glass Swords
- Oasis – (What’s the Story) Morning Glory?
After 8 p.m. …
…is when I wake up. I’ve always been a nighthawk and I work far better in hours of darkness. Getting up at or before noon is an achievement for me.
My 9 lives…
…were used up many years ago spray-painting rooftops in Glasgow. I’m down to my last one for sure. Fuck it—we’re here for a good time, not a long time, right?
I would touch with a 10 foot pole:
Tight penny-pinchers, thieves, and liars.
This article originally appeared in the Fall 2014 issue ofElectronic Beats Magazine. Keep an eye out for the next edition, as it will arrive soon!
Published December 10, 2014. Words by EB Team.