EB DOSSIER #marijuana
EB DOSSIER is a new, regular feature on electronicbeats.net that gathers current perspectives on an iconic issue each week, collated from the micro—and macro—discourses of the online world.
The first EB DOSSIER is about… marijuana.
While marijuana remains outlawed in most parts of the world, Americans are starting to get high on their own supply with marijuana legal in Uruguay, approved for medical purposes in almost half of the US and Ex-Microsoft executive Jamen Shively preparing to launch the world’s biggest marijuana enterprise. As commercial, political, scientific and pop strategies are invested into the game, an expensive yet ineffective war on drugs with its prohibitionist proponents may be about to be won by wallstreet potheads. With Barack Obama, Snoop, Robbie Williams, Bill Clinton, George Michael and media outlets worldwide August 1st, 2013 – April 8th, 2014.
MILEY CYRUS: “I think weed is the best drug on earth. One time I smoked a joint with peyote in it, and I saw a wolf howling at the moon. Hollywood is a coke town, but weed is so much better.” | September 24th, 2013
BILL CLINTON: “I never denied that I used marijuana.” | December 12th, 2013
NBC: “Fifty-five percent of Americans support legislative efforts to legalize marijuana.” | January 27th, 2014
THE WHITE HOUSE: “The Administration opposes legalization of marijuana because it would increase the availability and use of illicit drugs, and pose significant health and safety risks to all Americans, particularly young people”. | Crawled January 25th, 2014
BARACK OBAMA: “I smoked pot as a kid, and I view it as a bad habit and a vice, not very different from the cigarettes that I smoked as a young person up through a big chunk of my adult life. I don’t think it is more dangerous than alcohol.” | January 19th, 2014
WEED BOOK: “Since 1974 government knows that the chemicals found in the cannabis plant can be used to treat cancer”. | April 7th, 2014
Above: “New evidence cannabis kills and cures cancer”. | THINK OUTSIDE THE TV, November 18, 2013
DAILY MAIL: “The drug can cause cancer, lung disease and abnormalities associated with serious mental illness.” | Crawled Apr. 30, 2014
TIME: “A recent German study claims to have documented the first known deaths resulting from marijuana use.” | February 27th, 2014
THE GUARDIAN: “United Nations: cannabis law changes pose ‘very grave danger to public health’. International Narcotics Control Board calls US and Uruguay moves on cannabis ‘misguided initiatives’.” | March 3rd, 2014
WASHINGTON TIMES: “No matter how many states legalize its use, marijuana still will be a gateway to nowhere.” | January 7th, 2014
MMYVOFFICIAL: “1: Do Not Toke. Toking marijuana will result in immediate death. 2: Do Not Inject. Injecting marijuana will result in immediate death. 3: Do Not Eat. Eating marijuana will result in immediate death.” | Crawled April 27th, 2014
NIGERIAN MONITOR: “Nigerian student sentenced to death in Malaysia for trafficking marijuana.” | February 28th, 2014
OCCUPY WALLSTREET: “In the United States a marijuana smoker gets arrested once every 27 seconds. A wall street banker once every NEVER.” | March 29th, 2014
GEOFF HOOVER: “Not even for smoking weed?” | March 29th, 2014
Above: Retired Police Captain demolishes War on Drugs. | TRUTHLOADER, October 3rd, 2013
POLICY MIC: “If the U.S. legalized weed, what would happen to everyone in jail for marijuana crimes? About 50% of federal prisoners (98,554 people) are drug offenders, while 27.6% of those are in prison for crimes relating to marijuana.” | March 25th, 2014
Above: The war on drugs as a blind endeavor. | TRUTHLOADER, October 3rd, 2013
FORBES: “They say crime pays? Not exactly. Legalize a crime and tax it and it really pays. Just ask Colorado. Perhaps not so awkwardly labeled the “Highest State,” Colorado pulled in $2 mill. in taxes related to the sale of recreational marijuana… in Jan. 14 alone.” | March 11th, 2014
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL: “Justin Hartfield is high. “I’ve been high since I’m 13,” the 30-year old marijuana entrepreneur says as he sips an iced tea at the Pelican Hill Resort, a tony spot overlooking the Pacific where he plays golf twice a week.” | March 14th, 2014
ROBBIE WILLIAMS: “I was high two days ago.” | November 29th, 2013
YAHOO FINANCE: “Call it a drug trade for investors. Todd Harrison, CEO and founder of Internet-based financial media company Minyanville, thinks cannabis “will be the single best investment idea for the next ten years.” | February 27th, 2014
MARKETWATCH: “Jamen Shively’s confident approach to capturing 40 percent of the worldwide marijuana market makes his addition to Plandai biotechnology a really big deal. The man some are calling the “Bill Gates of Cannabis” has the attention.” | February 14th, 2014
ROGER DUFFIELD (CEO PLANDAI): “As a member of Plandai’s Board, Jamen will be instrumental in helping shape our corporate policy and direction as we move from being a research company into production and sales in the coming months.” | February 14th, 2014
above: ‘First Ever’ Marijuana Commercial To Air On Major Television Stations. | THINKPROGRESS, March 3rd, 2014
CHICAGO NOW: “With so many dollar signs hanging in the air, ready to be snatched, it is no surprise to see agriculture giant Monsanto may be getting poised to jump into selling genetically modified marijuana.” | August 14th, 2013
EXPOSING THE TRUTH: “Monsanto Weed? As the consumption of cannabis finally returns to its historical state of being legal, in Uruguay and across the world, a previously unseen problem shows its head: namely that of genetically modified cannabis.” | January 2nd, 2014
Above: Snoop secretly promoting Monsanto Weed? | SNOOP LION, December 23rd, 2013
TIME: “Wanna Work With Weed? Marijuana Job Fair in Denver this week.” | March 10th, 2014
OAKSTERDAM UNIVERSITY: “Whether you’ve been growing for years or you’re just starting out, learn to grow amazing cannabis from the experts at Oaksterdam University”. | Crawled January 27th, 2014
T-ONLINE: “Research is rather relaxed at world’s only cannabis university” | February 2nd, 2014
Above: Neil DeGrasse Tyson discussing Newton in slomo making him appear higher than a space kite. | GEEKOLOGIE, March 17th, 2014
Search shared by Robert Defcon
Published April 08, 2014. Words by robertdefcon.