EB Video Premiere: Stay+ ft. Queenie – “Crashed”
The time is ripe for another music video premiere here on Electronic Beats and today Manchester’s Stay + come up with the a/v goods. The video for “Crashed”, a track which won over Annie Mac back in October when she anointed it “Record of the Week” and scores credibility points for coming out on East London label Black Butter Records. A label, one might add, which trumped fellow AIM Independent Music Awards contenders Brainfeeder, Pink Mist and Alcopop! Records, landing the gong for Best Small Label. Following releases from Rudimental, Noisses and, more recently, Hostage and Woz, we’re excited to see what 2013 brings for the young label and what better place to start than with this dispatch? Kick back and enjoy.
Published November 28, 2012. Words by moritz.schmall.