Thanks for 10 Years of Slices
Last month, to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Electronic Beats TV Slices series, we launched a 20-day gear giveaway marathon. With the help and generosity of friends and partners at Native Instruments, Roland, Akai Professional, Ableton, Bitwig Studio, Novation, Air, Waldorf, Sennheiser, Ion, and Ear Peace, we’re grateful we were able to offer some truly amazing and highly coveted prizes. We also revisited some standout features from over the years, with the likes of Moderat, Jon Hopkins, Âme, Ellen Allien, UNKLE, Trentmøller, Theo Parrish, Carl Craig, Marcel Dettmann, and KiNK, to name a few. Thanks to all the artists, labels, clubs, and collectives who have lent their time and talent to Slices over the past decade. We also want to extend our appreciation to the viewers and longtime Slices supporters, who exceeded all our expectations for participation throughout the giveaway. Congratulations to the winners!
Published April 15, 2015.