The Radio Sessions: The Orb
This week’s Flux.fm Radio Session marks the first time—as far as we know, anyway—that we’ve played host to a doctor on our radio show (we’ve still not managed to get John Maus to come in, but give us time).
Naturally we would only have a respectable doctor on our show, but the knowledge which makes him so respectable is not medical, but musical. Dr. Alex Paterson and Thomas Fehlmann have been performing together as The Orb since 2004 (though of course the project has been around for considerably longer), and The Orbserver In The Star House, their genre-bending collaborative album with Lee “Scratch” Perry, has been one of the most absorbing releases of the year. Naturally we love all our Radio Sessions *cough* but this one comes highly recommended. And when you’re done, may we also suggest Fehlmann’s recent Slices Tech Talk? I believe we may.
You can listen to the whole radio show tonight on FluxFM, starting at 10pm (CET). Tune in through terrestrial radio or, if you’re outside Germany, head to the stream. Miss it? Then catch up with the first hour through FluxFM’s on demand feature from Friday, while the DJ mix will be up on EB a few days later.
Published November 28, 2012. Words by EB Radio.