Adrian Sherwood recommends Kode9 & The Spaceape’s Black Sun
In between Kode9‘s new single “Xingfu Lu” and Rinse mix CD releases, we revisit infamous dub producer—and On-U Sound founder—Adrian Sherwood‘s take on the Hyperdub founder’s second album with The Spaceape Black Sun. Dub on dub. This review was originally printed in the summer 2011 issue of Electronic Beats Magazine.
I don’t intellectualize things. If I hear a good record, I can recognize what makes it different from the pack. But otherwise I don’t really ‘think’ about it. I don’t even do that for my own productions. That being said, Black Sun is quality from beginning to end. You need people pushing things forward, and this is a perfect example of that. Steve Goodman, aka Kode9, just has really good ears—he’s got his own “sonic”, as I like to say. And this is what allows him to create his own sound and continue being an innovator.
An important part of innovation is knowing what you’re doing in the studio, and Kode9 obviously does. He’s the jack-of-all-trades of the moment, from doing A&R work to producing the new Burial album. Like myself, he’s also the boss of a record company. I only do my own productions at the moment, but he releases other people’s stuff as well. He’s good at pushing other music in new directions.
Musically speaking, I like most of what he does. Some of it is a bit too techno for me, but that’s because I come from a roots background. But his skills as a producer are indisputable. And in all, he’s just a good lad. We most recently worked together on a couple of remixes. He’s also performed at a dub festival I organized a few years ago.I see him in a line with people like Digital Mystikz— musicians who stretch boundaries. I think it’s important that even if you don’t work within a genre, you can still appreciate it. Pushing things forward is a good way to fight against nostalgia. That’s important because otherwise it all becomes too precious. ~
Published May 03, 2013. Words by Adrian Sherwood.