Episode 105

Rebekah - MeToo, Freedom and Techno
“We are here for the music, we are not here to be at other people's disposal sexually in any way.”
“We are here for the music, we are not here to be at other people's disposal sexually in any way.”
Birmingham, UK born Techno stalwart Rebekah speaks with our host Gesine for the latest Electronic Beats Podcast episode. Throughout the discussion the pair touch on Rebekah’s first forays into the club world in her hometown, sexism and sexual harassment in the music industry, learning the craft of music production and sound design and her move to Berlin. As well as the significance of freedom of expression and the importance of taking breaks to avoid burnout. Tune in to hear more from this important voice in the contemporary Techno scene.
Instagram: I am a DJ https://www.instagram.com/iam_a_dj/
Me too #forthemusic: https://www.metoo-music.com
Petition/ Open letter to the dance music scene: https://www.change.org/p/everyone-who-wants-change-within-our-scene-open-letter-to-the-dance-music-industry-in-light-of-sexual-assault-allegations?redirect=false
ARD documentary „Call me DJ“: https://www.ardmediathek.de/sendung/call-me-dj/staffel-1/Y3JpZDovL21kci5kZS9zZW5kZXJlaWhlbi80OWYzOWYxMS0xNmZhLTRiZDYtYmUxOC0wMjZiOWRiOTAzMWU/1
Groove Feature „Das Patriarchat hat Gästeliste“: https://groove.de/2021/10/19/das-patriarchat-hat-gaesteliste-teil-i-status-quo/