A Fully Analog Arturia Drum Machine Is On Its Way

Could this box bring affordable analog boom to the masses?
When it comes to drums, few things beat the satisfying punch of an analog box. That’s why we’re kind of really excited for synth-manufacturer Arturia’s latest offering. DrumBrute is an accessible addition to its “Brute” line that seems poised to bring great sounding analog drums to the masses. It gives you 17 sounds that cover the full gamut of drum noises from kicks to reverse cymbals (perfect for build ups, you know?). It also includes an on-board step sequencer that can handle up to 64 steps per sequence. There’s also two Steiner-Parker filters for live fiddling and tweaking. And, of course, it has a whole bevy of MIDI fudging capabilities like swing, randomness and so on. Best of all, it offers all these things at just €449, which is a price that we can get behind. Watch a video of it in action below.
Read More: Watch Thomas P Heckmann demonstrate his Linn Drum machine