This Artist Uses Paint To Defy Berghain's Photo Ban

Berlin’s secluded-yet-colorful nightlife comes alive in Felix Scheinberger’s illustrations.
The first rule of Berlin clubbing is that photography is prohibited. The reason for this is simple: without photography, people are freed to be as freaky as they want to be. The problem, though, is that this results in a procession of scenes and outfits that are almost all extremely photogenic in their absurdity. Though tempting, few dare go against this rule directly. To do so would risk discommendation from the community.
However, a certain Felix Scheinberger has come up with a novel workaround for this rule by using illustration and watercolor to depict the depravity inside such local, uh, institutions as Kit Kat Club, Insomnia and, of course, Berghain. We quite like the results ourselves. The works have a certain kind of Ralph Steadman-esque viciousness that captures the surreal atmosphere of Berlin nightlife better than a photo ever could.
Take a look at some examples below. Like ’em? Pick up his new book, Hedo Berlin, which comes out October 20.

Read More: A new Berghain card game that puts you in control of the world’s toughest door.
(Via B.Z.)