This Blockchain-Powered Bluetooth Speaker Could Change How Musicians Get Paid

Volareo wants to “re-imagine a new music ecosystem” by paying artists up to ten times more for having their music streamed.
Until not so long ago, speakers were only meant to play music, not directly support the creatives that made it. The Volareo speaker intends to change all of that. Not merely a speaker, Volareo combines artificial intelligence and blockchain technology to add an extra element to your music listening habits.

The most interesting aspect of the Volareo speaker is the integration of the Musicoin blockchain. Using smart contracts, Musicoin pays artists some of the highest streaming rates in the world, transferring cryptocurrency to musicians almost immediately after you start to stream their song or album. It eliminates streaming middle-men such as Spotify, placing the artist at the center of the listening experience.
Volareo expects that musicians will be able to earn up to 10 times more money for streams of their music than with other platforms. The smart speaker can sense the user’s applause in response to a track or album and sends the artist more money accordingly. So if you suddenly see lots of people clapping at their bluetooth speakers, don’t be alarmed.
Find more about Volareo at their website here.
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