Call for Papers: Alternative Histories of Electronic Music

The University Of Leeds and The Science Museum have put out a joint call for papers on alternative histories of electronic music. The conference, which takes place from April 15–16 in 2016, is part of an AHRC-funded project exploring the work of the English musician and musicologist Hugh Davies. Davies’ comprehensive 1960s inventory of electronic music compositions is considered among the first “alternative versions” of the historical canon.
“What does electronic music look like if we focus on the contributions of individuals whose work is less widely known; less widely recognized?” reads the official call for papers. “What happens if we step away from the Western European and North American institutions that are normally figured as central to the genesis and development of electronic music? Or, what happens if we question, or explore the mechanisms of, their authority?”
A 500-word abstract and 100-word biography must be submitted to by by October 31. For complete details, head here. (via The Wire)