Now you can bring DJ Khaled’s Snapchat wisdom with you everywhere.
Everyone loves DJ Khaled (except scumbags, maybe), and the kids love that Snapchat too. Combine them and you have a recipe for looking at your damn phone even more than you already do.
Canada’s DJ Deep Dink made a sample pack of Khaled’s best bits of Snapchat sayings a while back, and the bounty of crud the Internet drops on a daily basis means we’re just finding out about it now. So, whether this is a new joy for you or just a rediscovery, here’s your chance to drop Khaled’s wisdom anywhere—download it now.
Remember when Khaled got lost at sea? Yeah, we almost forgot too. Anyway, you can also use this Sampulator to trigger samples—including one from DJ Khaled—to make your own deranged music.