Telekom Electronic Beats

Listen to This Demonic Single From Elysia Crampton's New LP

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Elysia Crampton is back with a  brand new record called Demon City, due out July 22 on Break World Records. Crampton has started off the guaranteed media rigmarole leading up to the release by sharing a single from the record on Break World’s Soundcloud. “Dummy Track” features contributions from Halycon Veil alumni Why Be and Chino Amobi, while the rest of the record also features collaborations with Rabit, Lexxi and Total Freedom.

As she explained earlier this year, Crampton’s follow up to American Drift was inspired by Severo-style epic poetry, a form that operates like “an accumulation or accretion, an ongoing process of becoming-with, made possible by the family-networks and communities that have inspired and sustained our survival and collective search for transformative justice.”

For a politically charged Elysia Crampton remix, follow this link. Or, for a deep Chino Amobi mix, fall down the rabbit hole here.
