Telekom Electronic Beats

Fall Down A Video Rabbit Hole With Roman Flügel

It’s like an after party YouTube session—only weirder.

Who needs a DJ mix when you can see straight into a DJ’s psyche? The Orakel Kanal YouTube channel had the genius idea to invite friends and artists to compile ten of their favorite YouTube videos, and the first “Orakel Cast” playlist was curated by Roman Flügel. It does contain some music clips to lure you in—hip-house dancing, A Guy Called Gerald in Detroit—but soon it tangents off into Flügel’s other interests: microdosing; plating geraniums; MMA fighting; footage of a nice lady being subjected to 160 dB of bass in the face. Watch the playlist below.


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Read more: Don’t go looking for answers, as Roman Flugel can’t explain his decisions.
