This Musician Questions The Virtues Of The "Female Composer"

In an insightful new think-piece, 29-year old Australian composer Lisa Cheney lingers on the pros and cons of the “Female Composer” label, and the potential of the term to empower or entrap women composers.
It’s a follow up to her participation in This Will Be Our Reply, an International Women’s Day concert of new music by female composers. It considers the difficult questions facing young female artists who wish to break through the meagre representation of women in concerts and training programs.
Her discussion culminates in the powerful resolve: “We’re damned if we do and damned if we don’t. So frankly, I’m opting for ‘damned if I do’ and I know that I’m in fabulous company.” As Lisa mentions, the discussion is multifaceted and includes many different attitudes and approaches.
Learn more about the fight for gender equity: Read how The Black Madonna tries to promote women to positions of leadership in electronic dance, how Lara Rix-Martin has established a recording platform for female-identifed and non-binary artists and watch how women are on the front lines in the battle against ISIS.