Native Instruments And EB Present Tropical Frequencies

Native Instruments and Electronic Beats have forged an important partnership across many different stimulating events including the Native Sessions at EB Cologne and Hybrid Future at Superbooth earlier this year. On July 5th, we extend the friendship further with Tropical Futures, an event exploring global bass culture.
Tropical Futures is a journey through the exciting new sounds born from the fusion of bass music and traditional styles from across the globe. From Lima to Lisbon via London and Berlin, learn about the cultural and social ecosystems that are inspiring diverse subgenres directly from the DJs, producers, and personalities who are shaping their community’s sound including the NI technologies being used to push sound into crazy new realms. Beyond the fascinating musicological discussions on offer, there will be special live performances and exclusive DJ sets from Dengue Dengue Dengue!, DJ Marfox back-to-back with DJ Firmeza, Throwing Shade, Daniel Haaksman and Isa GT — the perfect musical antidote to all that thinking you’ll be doing!
Check out the entire lineup and RSVP here. And to prepare, read a stimulating conversation about NI’s Reaktor 6 with Mouse On Mars’ Jan St Werner and software designer Tim Exile here and NI’s stems program here.