Nearly Every Radiohead Song Is Now On Spotify

Is your favorite release missing?
Yesterday, diehard fans on Radiohead’s Subreddit noticed that the prolific band recently added two more songs from its back catalog to the major streaming services Spotify and Apple Music. With the inclusion of “Supercollider” and “The Butcher”, two b-sides from their album The King Of Limbs, Spotify provides what some fans have speculated is the most complete catalog of Radiohead jams likely ever to be available via a major streaming platform. So the obscure works still missing from the collection, like the group’s pre-Radiohead demos On A Friday or the recent surprise b-side “Ill Wind”, may never appear on Spotify.
This latest update is part of a larger effort to rebuild the Radiohead catalog on major streaming platforms that began after many releases disappeared from those sources when the band switched labels earlier this year. For instance, the bonus disc for the In Rainbows LP surfaced on Spotify a few weeks ago.
If you’re keen to see the band live, check out their summer 2017 tour dates here.
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Read more: Stream a beautiful piano cover of Radiohead from ‘Westworld’.