Pianist and composer Nils Frahm has been tapped to curate the next installment of the Late Night Tales series. His mix includes a cover of John Cage’s “4’33,” a solo piano edit of his own track “Them,” and spoken word from actor Cillian Murphy, plus selections from Four Tet, Rhythm & Sound, Miles Davis and Boards of Canada. Preview it above, and read a statement from Frahm below. A full tracklist is on view here.
“My flat is now crammed with music media of all stripes, from an old hand-cranked 78 phonograph player to 45s and albums on vinyl, my beloved old cassette tape collection, even mini-disks and, lately, WAV and MP3s. It’s all music to me. After spending hours recording from all of these diverse sources, I started to play around with the tunes, layering them, sampling, looping certain parts, extracting phrases and using all the freedom that this allowed me. If I got a little carried away or stepped on anyone’s toes in my quest to do something interesting and original, then I apologize. Some things may have accidentally landed on the wrong speed, while other spooky happening have occurred along the way, whether it’s ghostly additions of reverb and delay or simply subtle edits or reproductions, they’ve all gone into the magical stew I’ve tried to create for your pleasure and edification.”