Science Confirms: These Are The Sexiest Dance Moves

No guarantees, but these moves might get you laid.
Scenario: You are in the club. You want to move. But you also want to move in a way that makes you seem attractive. More importantly, you want to seem sexually attractive. What do you do? WHAT DO YOU DO?
Fortunately, scientists at Northumbria University have conducted a survey to determine the answer to the above question. And, as you might imagine, the results are completely insane. The findings suggest that the sexiest moves for men occur above the waist and the sexiest moves for women center around the hips, thighs and arms.
This overly sexualized robot performs what the study found to be a “sexy female dance move”. Conversely, the study suggests abstaining from moves like these. Read the full report here.
Read more: This is how you should dance at Berghain