Two Electronic Music Museums Will Open in Germany

Earlier this year, Frankfurt’s Museum of Modern Electronic Music (due 2017) got clubgoers everywhere excited. A venture initiated by founders Alex Azary and Talla 2XLC, the initiative may have at first seemed an isolated serendipitous encounter between highbrow culture and underground electronic music: dimly lit, overcrowded rooms, an avid audience struggling to catch a glimpse of records being spun and revisit (for the sake of science) a distorted, lo-fi version of a set, recorded randomly as voice memos. Electronic music research has for a long time been rather a guerilla process of digging than a clean-cut, well-organized enterprise.
But more good news is here, as Tresor Club/Berlin Atonal founder Dimitri Hegemann announced his intention to open a techno museum by Fall 2016 in Germany’s capital, while taking on the challenge of putting techno in a museum and still calling it techno. Hegemann intends to name the project the Living Archive of Electronica, since the concept is that of seizing the dynamic, vivid aspect of the electronic music lifestyle.
It’s nice to know that we will soon be able to pursue our musical impulses while staying within walking distance of the closest club night, as we are excited just as much about planning—probably around a Robert Johnson night in 2017—our first extended trips to Frankfurt’s MOMEM.
A new feature with the Museum of Modern Electronic Music organizers will be premiering here soon, featuring a first look inside the Frankfurt facility — stay tuned!
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