The director of Die Antwoord‘s 2012 music video “I Fink U Freeky”, has exposed an even freekier project: Roger Ballen’s Theatre Of The Mind, a two-minute short film filmed in the underground labyrinth at the Sydney College of the Arts. Students and graduates of the university, which was built where a former psychiatric hospital once stood, worked with the Johannesburg photographer/filmmaker to create the short thriller and its accompanying photo exhibition. It evokes the catacombs’ disturbed ghouls and lingering edgy energy with cuts from a lecture by Ballen, who intones gravely, “What would you be without the mind?”
It’s no wonder that the South African experimental hip-hop duo tapped Ballen for a video, as they’ve conjured similar mindfuck vibes in clips like 2014’s “Ugly Boy”.
Via The Creators Project.