Which Is Cooler: Berlin Or New York?

Today’s click-worthiest content comes from an unlikely source: AirBerlin Magazine. The in-flight publication compared the world’s two most “achingly cool cities that never sleep” by sending a Berliner to New York and a New Yorker to Berlin. Although the very premise makes us cringe, we don’t fault the subjects: Renate resident DJ Michal Zietara and Brooklyn-based Discwoman collective representative Frankie Decaiza Hutchinson. (We do, however, vehemently dispute Zietara’s straight-up false claim that Berlin cuisine compares in quality or diversity to food in New York. Stop it.)
That said, we are having flashbacks to the time Berghain appeared in The New Yorker, The New York Times and Rolling Stone, as well as that Times article (“Berlin On The Spree”!!! lol) about how many people from Brooklyn are moving to Berlin in the name of Techno. Read the Berlin-versus-New York article below and click here to find the true answer to the question “WHICH IS COOLER: BERLIN OR NEW YORK?” Oh, and don’t forget to hate comment about what obnoxious hipster expats we are on Facebook.