Telekom Electronic Beats

Here's How Music Can Help Cure Anxiety Disorders

Research has found that music can have extremely useful mental health benefits.

If you need another excuse to justify your music addition, here it is. Recent research conducted at the University of Michigan has found that music can play a huge role in treating anxiety and other mental health disorders. When listening to music, patients experience a noticeable drop in stress-inducing cortisol.

Apparently, music has positive effects on mood changes, enhanced coping and relaxation skills, improved communication skills and increased efficiency in conflict resolution.

This has lead to new investigations into the benefits of music therapy administered by licensed professionals. However, the research also indicates four “practice-at-home” techniques: Listen only to music you find enjoyable; find a portable music device or platform that you can use all day long; try and perform the music you love; and analyze songs that you find uplifting. Sounds pretty reasonable to us.

Read more: Our guide to apps that use music for mental health

(Via Music Think Tank)
