Telekom Electronic Beats

You Can Own A Statue Of Prince Pooping


What is going on here? That’s what we asked ourselves when we first saw this statue of Prince dropping a deuce. Interestingly, it’s not necessarily the work of a prankster but instead a craftsman working in a religious tradition from Spain.

Head to Catalonia, and you will undoubtedly gaze upon more than a few nativity scenes that feature squatting and pantless figurines. Called “Caganers” (“crappers” in English), these are small fertility statues. Usually it’s a local peasant, but it seems that there’s now a twist to this old custom. Caganers now also depict political figures and pop culture icons: That includes the likes of Prince Madonna and Elton John.  Get your fill here. We’ve dropped a few choice examples below for you to peruse at your leisure.

elton prince shakira

Read more: Pick up these light-up Daft Punk action figures

(Via Consequences Of Sound)
