Berghain's Ostgut Ton Nacht Will Happen In Essen This October

The legendary Berlin club label will host an all night party in a Unesco-protected abandoned coal factory.
The legendary Berlin club label will host an all night party in a Unesco-protected abandoned coal factory.
This fall is looking like a good time to party in North Rhein-Westphalia. Case in point: Ostgut Ton, the label arm of Berlin’s infamous Berghain club, has just announced that it will be throwing one of its revered Ostgut Ton Nacht parties in Essen on October 31 in collaboration with Studio Essen.
Though the lineup has not been announced, the venue has: Mischanlage is a monolithic former coal processing plant on the site of Essen’s ZollVerein coal mine complex. The space’s vast and brutal concrete interior is reminiscent of Berghain. The plant structure is a protected Unesco World Heritage site. The party describes its mission as, “With this in mind, the Ostgut Ton Nacht as a traveling event aims to translate both the label’s musical output and Berghain/Panorama Bar’s sensibility to other dance floors.” Check out the party’s Facebook page here.
Do you like to party in North Rhein-Westphalia? Telekom Electronic Beats’ Clubnight series has a number of dates in Cologne, Essen and Wuppertal this Fall that you should definitely check out with artists that range from techno favorites like Zenker Brothers to house heads like Âme. Find out more, here.
Read more: This slick new website analyzes seven years of Berghain bookings