Discover 6 Of The Best Hearing Protectors For Clubbers And DJs

These budget ear protection solutions can actually enhance your club experience.
It might be stating the obvious, but clubs are loud. Very loud. And while of course there is a natural necessity for subs and speaker stacks to be pushed hard in order to feel the full effect of electronic music’s range, it has long been documented that exposure to really loud music for too long can do serious and permanent damage to your hearing.
The cruel situation that everyone wants to avoid is letting exposure to music in clubs prevent the future enjoyment of music in any context. But at the same time, you don’t want any protective measures you take to interfere with the fidelity of the music you’ve come to love. The fact that early earplugs drastically reduced the quality of the music may haveprevented club-goers using cheap foam varieties.
Recently, however, the market has become flooded with elegantly designed ear protection gadgets that won’t compromise your listening experience while still providing serious dB dampening. DJ and tech reviewer Christian Yates has studied six of the best—EarPeace HD, Flare Isolate, DownBeats, Etymotic, Doppler Labs Dubs and Alpine MusicSafe Pro—to help you make the right decision. With all priced at under $35USD, these solutions are both cost efficient and immeasurably beneficial to your health. Check out the whole list on Digital DJ Tips here.
Read more: On the other hand, science shows that listening to music actually makes you high