Telekom Electronic Beats

Discover DVS1's Huge Custom "Wall Of Sound" Techno Sound System With This Video


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The Wall of Sound party in Rotterdam was a tribute to the sound system culture of '90s raves in the Midwest.

At some parties, the sound system is just as important as the DJs that perform on it.

Think of the legendary Killasan system for the Wax Treatment parties, Klipschorn speakers and the Lucky Cloud loft parties and, of course, Berghain‘s revered Funktion-One.

It’s exactly that kind of respect for audio equipment and its ability to open up a new kind of listening experience that DVS1 explores with his Wall Of Sound parties, where he brings his expertise in sound systems—which comes from his years in the ‘90s Midwest rave scene—to an international audience.

In 2015, DVS1 threw the first Wall Of Sound party in a huge grain silo complex in Rotterdam’s industrial area with the mouth-watering Danley Sound Labs system he’d helped construct. Since then, the party and its massive speaker stacks have travelled as far as Bassiani in Georgia and Amsterdam Dance Event in the Netherlands.

Dasha Rush, Serge—who contributed an edition of B-sides to our ongoing series— Jeff Mills and DVS1 were on hand to provide suitably tunnelling techno for their latest event. Fortunately, the video footage of the party perfectly captures the vibe and how impressive the sound must have been.

Check it out above.
